Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ryan Daisy.

I recently started talking to an old friend from high school and he asked me if I would do a cut out of him. I think this is the most elaborate cut out to date; I spent 2 1/2 days on it (and had over 100 layers on photoshop). Today, Ryan graduates from Michigan State University. In fact, he graduated at 9 am. Ryan just got online and I showed him the end result. This post goes out to Ryan. Happy graduation, dude!


Bo Lumpkin said...

I ain't sure what a cut-out is (what with me bein' a redneck and all) but Ryan ought to be right pleased.

Anonymous said...

Well, clearly Bo up there is has some sort of idea how good your art is. This is indeed a very well crafted piece of art.

vince said...

very nice chelsea. love the texture, and you are getting so much detail into these cuts. well done.

ChrisHoobler said...

this one is crazy, such subtle changes in value. i really love this one, nice job!

Rhiannon said...

I wonder if Bo would be my best friend if I asked him?
This one is REALLY great Chelsea.
I'm waiting (not so) patiently for the Jonai.

Bo Lumpkin said...

I try to be freinds with everyone but I don't know about best or even good. All I can do is try

Anonymous said...