Thursday, December 10, 2009

One Little Christmas Tree.

This is a photo I bought at a local library for 40 cents. It's from 1940. I like it a lot. I'm taking it easy tonight. I don't feel really well so enjoy this little Christmas tree from the past. The thing I love about Christmas Trees is that people treat a Christmas Tree like it's part of the family. They take in a tree, decorate it, and it becomes part of that house for the time being. Christmas Trees are so iconic and differ from each household to the next. I love the idea that the Christmas Tree is constantly reinvented from family to family and each family's tree contains lights, love, time, and tradition that will be passed down from year to year. Unfortunately we stopped putting our Christmas Tree up at home and a little bit of my heart dies each year because without one in our house I feel like a scrooge, but I love seeing them in people's windows. They make me smile and they give me hope.


YouizKevin said...

Do the Jonas post before I kill someone. BYE.

Bo Lumpkin said...

Go get you a little Christmas tree and put it in your room and decorate it and start your own tradition. Pamper yourself. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

that needs to change a.s.a.p.