Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ode To Jason Curtis!

I recently became blog friends with Jason Curtis and let me tell you, he is one of the nicest and coolest guys around! I emailed Jason and asked about his doodles and whether he makes a living as a freelance cartoonist/illustrator, but to my surprise, I found out he's a photographer. His reasons for his doodles is both interesting and inspiring. I would love it if you would read why by clicking HERE. I think each of us can take something from the aforementioned entry. I know I have. So, in honor of my new friend, Jason Curtis, here are some fun illustrations I recently did.


Jason Curtis said...

Ah shucks Chelsea, thanks so much. You're very sweet, and I appreciate the fact that you have dedicated an entire post to little 'ol me.

...I think I might be blushing a little.

I'm really enjoying the artistic blogging community, and starting up my humble blog was one of the best things I've done in a long time. Being in communication with fellow creative people (such as yourself) has provided me with endless inspiration and motivation.

Truly, thank you for the kind words Chelsea.

Regarding your doodles, I love them (especially all the body hair). My favorites are #2 and #3 (from the left). Funny stuff.

Bo Lumpkin said...

Jason does do some cool stuff. I enjoy what you both do. I think each of you should start webcomics.

Lindsay Parrish said...

Nice pit hair!

Gavin Goo said...

Great illo! :D I like Jason's illustrations because he draws them using Pilot G-Tec-C4 pen...

not really... Jason is the man! :D