Friday, December 11, 2009

Max Records!

I decided to revisit Where The Wild Things Are and I made this cut out of Max Records. I loved Max so much in the movie. I thought he was perfect for the part and of course I loved his character. I worked really hard on this particular cut out. So, here is Max Records. I wish I could just hop in a little boat and sail away. Anyone interested in a Wild Rumpus? I'm finishing up a cut out of my friend Ryan that I'm going to post tomorrow. He's going to be sad because I didn't finish it today, but I promise it will be up tomorrow! In other news, I have started drawing Gandalf nonstop. Be on the lookout for a Lord of the Rings takeover, but leave some feedback on Max! I want to hear what everyone thinks and HAPPY FRIDAY!


vince said...

this is the best! i love it. i'll eat it up.

Lee said...

Very charming, you've really captured his expression.

Great job

Maria Filar said...

this looks really really great chelsea. i would love to hang this in my apartment. you are getting so good at capturing likenesses in your cut-outs. the ONLY thing i have to say about it is his that supposed to be dirt? i don't get why they are gray. if that's something you added in
photoshop i would either use a different brush to make it look more like dirt, or change it to a rosy skin color if it's supposed to be his cheek color.

Anonymous said...

So good.

Anonymous said...

I love it! It looks amazing! Great job amiga!


smushbox said...

i think this looks fantastic :) great work

Bo Lumpkin said...

It does look good. You mentioned a wild rumpus. I think I shot one of those last year but it was too tough to eat.

Anonymous said...

KEVIN! this looks so good. i'm serious when i say it's my favorite one. it looks like a painting. or maybe even a photograph. or something
here's what i want. i want you to think of the best possible compliment you could receive about your art. i'm giving you that compliment.
i LOVE this. and you.
this is obviously kayla. <3

Lindsay Parrish said...

I love the textures in the hair! You are a cut-out king

Kiki Keller said...

I love this!!! :)

Clare said...

Nice one! captures the chap very well, i'm going to see the film later and cannot wait!!

Anonymous said...