Tuesday, December 22, 2009

RIP Ron Hayward.

Ron Hayward was one of our models at CCS and I found out he passed away yesterday. We are all in utter shock at his untimely demise. Ron was, hands down, the best model at CCS. He could hold the most elaborate poses and he wouldn't flinch. He was so devoted to his craft and had such an unwavering passion for what he did and Ron genuinely cared about the students. He often voiced his concerns to me last year, as an illustration representative, about student affairs and constantly offered suggestions as to how we could improve our department. There will never be another model like Ron. He was one of a kind. As my friend, Scott Daly, said, "In a world where there is so much destruction, he helped us create." It is with a heavy heart that I say rest in peace, Ron Hayward. You will truly be missed. This week on The Hallway Show, we're paying tribute to Ron. This is from my anatomy sketchbook from 2007. I have so many drawings of Ron, but they're currently MIA. I remember waking up yesterday because I overheard my family talking about Brittany Murphy's death. She had a heart attack at 32 and then, Ron dies. These recent deaths are reminding me how little time we have and how fragile our lives are. We take the time we have for granted and we often forget that time stops for no one. With it being so close to the holidays, I ask that each of you extend your sympathies to the grieving families, but to also cherish those that you have in your life. A normally cheery and joyful time has taken a melancholy turn for some. In the midst of these tragedies, let us not forget to love one another and to live each day to the fullest.

1 comment:

Jason Curtis said...

Very well said Chelsea.