Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ricky Gervais.

I saw The Invention of Lying for the second time recently. It's at the dollar show so it's not really breaking the bank. I really liked Ricky Gervais before this movie, but this movie made me absolutely adore him. He gave such an amazing performance. He cries in this film and it's SO GREAT. I'm not a sadist, I don't enjoy seeing grown men cry, but his performance is so real and convincing and that's what does it for me. So, in honor of the movie, I did a few Ricky Gervais blind contours.I also did this cut out of Ricky Gervais and with this particular cut out, I wanted to limit the paper/textures I used and I wanted it to be minimal and I didn't want to spend a lot of time on it; quickness was key. I ended up using one piece of paper for everything on him with the exception of the background and his mouth (which is his real mouth), I didn't use much detail, and it took me between 45 minutese and an hour to finish. He's a hard one to get a likeness of too. He gets added to the list.

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