Saturday, May 22, 2010


My computer is being held hostage at the Apple store in Ann Arbor and I probably won't see it again for 7-10 days (Side note; if for some reason all of my data gets erased or compromised, I may contemplate killing someone and/or myself because I didn't back it up and I couldn't afford to have them back it up so I hope everything goes down smoothly). Therefore, the updates, while my computer is being repaired, are gonna be random and they won't be of my art. Right now I'm at a get together and the two people that I know are Micaela and Matt, but everyone is really nice. I decided I should take the time to update my blog while I have a computer to use. So I came across this guy, Josh Cooley, and he makes illustrations in the Golden Book style. My favorite is this one of Buffalo Bill:I can't stop looking at this and laughing. I also can't stop laughing at the word JORTS. Another side note; Today Janine and I went to Ann Arbor to drop off my computer and she bought me some not-good-for-you-treats: a pretzel AND a red velvet cupcake (which is my fave). Then we went to Whole Foods. They had WHOLE CHERRIES as samples so I took a handful because I am poor. Suck it.


Angelo Rabbit said...

I love the illustrations he did. I liked the big lebowski the most.

Lindsay Parrish said...

I like red velvet cupcakes and a side of JORTS! :)