Thursday, May 6, 2010

Champion Charles.

As you may or may not know, Charles is my father and I bring him up from time to time on my blog. He makes it a point to comment on every post. Sometimes I won't hear from him for a week or so, then I'll sign into my email and have seven anonymous comments in caps lock. This is a signature Charles move; the caps lock anonymity. In the earlier days, he didn't caps lock his comments, but the rest are easily spotted. I'm busy getting a bunch of drawings together for a week's worth of drawing posts, but I wanted to take this opportunity to showcase a "best of", if you will, of his comments. Click to enlarge it. Hopefully they give you a good chuckle.This other comment is probably my favorite. Artist/blogger Tania commented and Charles followed her comment up with a retaliation of sorts. No offense, Tania! Charles isn't angry and doesn't mean it. He just tries really hard to be funny.


Anonymous said...

iF iT iS yOuR fAtHeR, wHiCh I dOuBt, MaYbE hE dOeSnT kNoW wHeRe ThE cApS lOcK bUtToN iS.

Rhiannon said...

THIS WAS THE BEST POST EVER. Caps lock for Charles. I especially liked the cherry life saver comment.

Anna said...

This is my favorite post on your blog of all time... I like your artwork too.

Raechel said...

Oh Uncle Charlie poo.

Maria Filar said...

Yeah the cherry life saver comment is probably the best.

But I'll probably still die.

Jason James Curtis said...

Charles is my new hero.