Friday, November 27, 2009


THIS popped up on my gmail and I laughed and also slightly threw up in my mouth.Thanksgiving didn't go as I expected at all. I thought it would be a giant fight and things would be terrible, but they weren't. My mom made a bunch of things, but, as evidenced by the first picture, I didn't eat very many things. That dark colored saucy thing is a sliver of turkey covered in BBQ sauce, corn and mashed potatoes, rolls with no butter, and cranberry relish (which is both cranberries, oranges, and some other stuff that tastes really good together). Then I got to pull the wish bone with my sister, Alison, and I GOT THE BIGGER HALF which I was really excited about. I made a great wish and I hope it come true. Then, I spent the eve of Thanksgiving having a Lord of the Rings marathon while enjoying popcorn and some soda out of my Jonas Brothers cup. It was a good day. I hope everyone had as good of a time as I did. Hey, it's almost Christmas. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


Jason Curtis said...

"Your sandwiches will thank you"....oh man, that is hilarious!

Lindsay Parrish said...

Oh man, I watched LOTR yesterday, too but I only watched the first one...what is it about turkey and hobbits that go together?