Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hair & Sandwiches.

I've been HIDING. Hiding is my favorite thing to do. While in hiding, my dear friend Sarah bleached my roots so now my hair looks pretty much even and it's back to being the way it was. Sarah also fed me pizza and that was great. Here is a picture:Subway is the worst. In fact, sandwiches and subs in general, are the worst. I hate sandwiches. If you have to put something in between 2 slices of bread, it's gross. I hate the idea of cold meat and soggy bread. Ugghhh. I'm getting ill just thinking about it. I've never met another sandwich/sub hater; in fact I'll probably get a lot of backlash for this, but I stand by it. Hey can I take the baby sandwich with a little wah wah wah on the side? Oh and don't worry, he's wearing protective gloves even though he probably picked his nose while wearing them.Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Thanksgiving is a particularly colorful holiday at the Kirchoff residence. It's more like a war really. I'll explain all the details tomorrow along with my illustration. Take it easy, stuff your faces, and keep it real.


Jason Curtis said...

You like to hide too? I'm a big of hiding, in fact, I like to hide myself away in a quiet place and eat sandwiches.

I don't know many folks (or any actually) that don't like a good sandwich. What's all this talk about soggy bread? Sure, if you leave your sandwich on the dashboard of your car for the afternoon things might get a little mushy...but if you make it fresh and eat it right away it's a delicious experience!!

Maybe one of the reasons why I like sandwiches so much though is because I can't cook worth a damn. Ha!

Have a great Thanksgiving, and enjoy all the leftover Turkey (it's great in a sandwich).

Ben H. Shapiro said...

Wow, Chelsea. What a low blow. My sandwich shop job was the best thing to ever happen to me. HAHA. Dude, I'm totally hiding(extremely easy to do in this town). Working on some goodies that will be posted soon...I hope. Gosh, I hate my job hehe. I'll write soon homeslice. Take care!

p.s. I kind of what to do a series about the crazy verication word I have to type out. WTF is glizerpe?