Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hell Has A New Name.

A couple days ago, a friend of mine asked me if I'd mind going to IKEA with her. I had to decline. Unfortunately I cannot share her, nor anyone else's, enthusiasm for that store. Ikea is the devil's playground. I believe deep in the bowels of the store, the devil waits and he will not be dancing with me. No siree. In fact, I think it's the fourth circle of hell. I know what many of you must be thinking: CHELSEA! How can you possibly hate IKEA? With its affordable home furnishings and variety of cheaply made products, it's the best store EVER in this terrible economy! Aside from disliking both of the aforementioned, I absolutely HATE ikea's infrastructure. Once you go in, there's no getting out until you go through the ENTIRE STORE. I remember the one time I did go, my mom wanted to stop halfway through to try out the "swedish meatballs" in their cafeteria. I did not try them, but I did get a pop and the total with the meatballs and the pop was $6.66. The cashier smiled at me with a crooked grin and it confirmed my suspicions. Have a nice day? No, I won't, THANK YOU. Sorry Ikea. You can pull the wool over everyone else's eyes, but you're not fooling me.


Maria Filar said...

hahaha. hey, i still love ikea.
it's something you won't understand until you have your own place and want to furnish it with cheap cute things.

i do agree the labyrinth does get a bit disconcerting at times.

Shelby K said...

I think this is the best post so far haha. But I agree Ikea is pretty stupid, the maze sucks, the meatballs suck, the cheap and low quality.

Nikki DeSautelle said...

WORST STORE IN THE WORLD. Ikea is 100% the 4th circle of hell. It is chaos wrapped in a crappy lamp wrapped in a meatball. I would rather eat razorblades than go in there.

Nice devil! He has definitely got his claws a little more deeply into your soul from your time spent at IKEA. I like his chest hairs and his goat legs/pants

Kate Burck said...

I went with my whole family the third weekend it was open.
Worst Day Ever.
I think Ikea the product is great, but Ikea the physical location is most certainly some form of hell.

Anonymous said...

I kea you. I kea you. Taking my gps next time I go.
Meatballs in a furniture store? What a great idea. lol
Nice job chels.

Micaela said...

Look at those nips! I heart you chugboat...

Jason Curtis said...

Great illustration here Chelsea, and I love your writing as well.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I too believe that IKEA is a temple of the devil.

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

DeAndre said...

LOL, this is great