Friday, November 13, 2009

Lady Gaga!

This week for the Hallway Show, it was my turn to pick and I chose Lady Gaga. I've been trying to work on this illustration for the past 3 days and I almost gave up. I finally decided, HEY! I'M GONNA DO IT TONIGHT! and I DID! What a CHALLENGE. The cool thing about Lady Gaga is that you have a lot of reference to choose from so I combined a lot of her looks into one. What do you think? I posted it on The Hallway Show with a funny link that you might want to check out. Everyone's Gaga's are GREAT so head over there and check em out! Happy Friday the 13th.


Anonymous said...


Micaela said...

I'm liking your moves with the highlights in her hair, increase please <3

Nicole McCastle said...

Lurve it!

Clare said...

Loving the Gaga!
The graphic/texture thing you've got going looks great

Matt Benyo said...

Love love love,
I love this! Great job!!

You da best Chelsea!