Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Party Supplies.

I'm pretty sure all of the following are required for a good time at a party. My friend Micaela Ruiz suggested #5 and #6 (but supposedly Matt DeBeul had something to do with 6). Drinks are open to interpretation. It's more of a "pick your poison" sort of thing. I myself would fancy a coke or a dew with light ice (preferably 5 ice cubes if we're getting into specifics), but to each their own. Party on, party people.


shelbykirchoff said...

I think this is kinda cool, quite catchy...maybe I'll make some party supplies. Mine will be quite different though haha.

Jason Curtis said...

Love it!

A man in a monkey suit is great fun, but you should see a monkey in a man suit...pure party animal.

Bo Lumpkin said...

Maybe a Monkey in a man suit would be just as much fun. With or without the mustache.

Jason Curtis said...

What about a monkey in a monkey suit...the redundancy would be hilarious!

Chelsea Kirchoff said...

Yeah I guess you can't really put a man in a man suit...can you?

Jason Curtis said...

You could put a skinny man in a fat suit.

Anonymous said...

how bout no monkeys allowed.