Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Teeth Away!

Imagine if your teeth ran loose when you fell asleep. You're sleeping, everything is fine, but your teeth uproot from your gums and just take off into the night. The only catch is that they have to be back in your mouth by the time you get up, but they always are. My question is, do the teeth have teeth? I think they do, but it's definitely a question open to discussion. If my teeth have teeth, they have teeth like Nosferatu!


Shelbykirchoff said...

hahaha, I do not believe teeth have teeth, I think they dont even have mouths really. But nicely done. I enjoy the illustration regardless.

Jason Curtis said...

Hahaa! Great question Chelsea. I think your illustration of the teeth (with teeth) is hilarious.

JONGMEE said...

haha love the color! they're great! short chubby one in the middle is mah favorite! I wonder where they go everynight

Bo Lumpkin said...

I sometimes take mine out and put them in a cup overnight but I don't think they do much partyin'

Lindsay Parrish said...

I love this oh so much

Micaela said...

Please make a mini book out of this.

Anonymous said...

maybe when you get a cavity its not your tooth but the one in your tooth.

Matt said...