Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jolly Ol England.

My cousin, Raechel Matyas, just got back from Europe (and I am jealous). She is a jack of all trades; she writes, photographs, etc. I was checking her photos out and they inspired me to get to doing some art this morning. I can't post the art yet (it's IN PROGRESS), but I thought I'd share a few of her photos. My favorite is this one with the chandelier. It's GREAT. She still has a ton of photos to upload. She got to visit AND stay in the HARRY POTTER castle AND visit stonehenge. I am excited for her to post those photos! One day I will get to go to Europe. ONE DAY...


Maria Filar said...

oh my god dude, i want to GO!!!


Jason James Curtis said...

One day I too will go to's long overdue.