Friday, April 30, 2010

Charles vs Char-les.

After yesterday's post, I forced everyone in the house to look at it. One of those people, thought they would point out to me that CHARLES only has one syllable. This person bet me EVERYTHING I have that it only has one. Well, let's settle it. I say it has two; a family member says one. What do YOU think? Please VOTE!


Maria Filar said...

sorry chels. it's one. you can certainly say it a certain way to make it two, but for all intensive purposes it's one.

Chelsea Kirchoff said...

no way. we googled it and the websites were saying it was two and the sibs agree it's two. one website said it depended on the way you said it, but i'm sticking with two. TWO.

vince said...

two. obv.

Bryan Durren said...

Charles rhymes with Carl's. You're not gonna try to tell me Carl's is two syllables, are you? C'mon Chelsea! ONE!

Brad said...

im going with two. if you were to chant the name Charles (like at a ball game), you would do it like this "CHAR" - "LES" obviously two.

Raechel said...

just do the clapping.

Gitter said...

It doesn't matter how different people say it you go by the dictionary, no questions, and the dictionary says 2

Anonymous said...