Monday, April 19, 2010

Toledo Museum of Art.

I went to the Toledo Museum of Art with my cousin, Raechel, and her bf, Carlos. It's free, but parking is $5. It's well worth it though. The museum is quite large. We went for the Gordon Parks photography exhibit. I wasn't familiar with Gordon Parks prior to this so his work was a real eye opener. He reminds me of Robert Frank. We didn't have long at the museum so I ran around the entire museum seeing everything. I was really inspired by Joan Miro and Francisco Toledo. I couldn't find the pieces by either artists online, but I found this piece by Toledo that I really enjoy. It's definitely worth the time and drive to head there. Outside of the museum is this really cool polar bear seat/bench. My cousin took these photos (minus the Toledo piece). Afterwards, we went to Mongolian BBQ and met up with our friends Jessie, Joey, and Corey and the griller told me he liked my hair. Then I ate my bowl and almost threw up because it was too much. Click to enlarge the pictures!


Unknown said...

did you go see the hot shop, and the glass museum??????

Winnie said...

I love art galleries, kind of hard not to when I studied art history!

Anonymous said...

Very cool blog and art work. Great creative energy.

Chelsea Kirchoff said...

I did NOT get to check out the Hot Shop or the Glass Museum, but I will for sure do that next time!

And ART HISTORY? That's awesome, Winnie! I was one class away from minoring in art history. I regret not doing it.

Thanks, Frank!

Anonymous said...