Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Willem Dafoe.

Willem Dafoe had some nice stubble in the reference I used so I tried to accentuate that and he has a lot of wrinkles. I just asked Vince Joy (because we are video chatting and doing art at the same time; TEAM WORK!) what I could compare all of his wrinkles to and he said a peanut. Are you serious? Not a peanut haha, but I went into this piece not really feeling it and now I am finished and I can't stop looking at it and laughing because it's ridiculous and looks nothing like Willem Dafoe, but I'm pleased with the end result. Vince and I have deemed it "awesomely bad". He was Danny's pick over on The Hallway Show. Check out the other submissions!


Jason Curtis said...

I think it looks like Willem Dafoe...the mouth is bang-on.

Great stuff. I love these pieces you do.

Nikki DeSautelle said...

This looks like... I don't even know who. That chin and neck are out of control. In the best way.
Also nice teeth.

Andrea Kowch said...

Thanks for your comments on the sketchbook, Chelsea! These cutouts you've been doing are great!! Love 'em!

Joe Schlaud said...

This is great. I like it a lot.

Unknown said...

Sorry kid. I think it looks like Charlton Heston.

heidi pumpkin pie said...

chelsea your artwork is amazing! As soon as I get my new Imac I want to do a feature with you puhleasssssee!