Thursday, January 14, 2010

Emotion Day/Big News!

Today isn't actually Emotion Day. I went through quite the range of emotions today though; blah, meh, frustration, apathy, bliss, miz, empathy, and excitement. It's actually kind of mind boggling to think about how many emotions we go through a day. In lieu of the aforementioned, I spent the day getting in touch with my "emotional side" and I did this abstract doodle. Sometimes, not actually drawing something is a good way to go about doing things. It was a nice change of pace to say the least.This is where the EXCITEMENT part of the day comes in. Friend and peer, Gary Bedard, sent me an email telling me about a Robots Show on the popular website Drawger. Drawger is a blog site for illustrators, by illustrators, and it's invite only. Some of the biggest names in illustration today have blogs on there (including former professor and friend, Don Kilpatrick) and Drawger holds shows on the site. The person that administers the show approves, or denies, the work submitted. I am SUPER INSANELY PUMPED to inform everyone that TWO of my robot pieces were selected for the show!! djksfls;df;!!! They are old pieces [which reminds me that I need to do some current robot pieces stat], but you can view them HERE and HERE! I provided fun descriptions for the pieces. This is a really great start to 2010. Honestly, thank you so much for informing me, Gary!


Maria Filar said...

that's so awesome dude! congrats!!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!! I'm proud of you!! Never sell yourself short dude! You're an amazing artist! =) congrats!


Jason Curtis said...

That's great Chelsea. You go girl! (I can't believe I just said that). Anyway...

I love your robots, and they'll be a wonderful contribution to the Drawger site.

Anonymous said...


Gary Bedard said...

That's AWESOME! I immediately thought of you and your robots when I saw the roboshow on Drawger. I LOVE your robots. Now everyone on Drawger can love them too :)

Micaela said...

They saved the best for last... YOU!!!