Friday, January 15, 2010

Party Zone Alert.

The excitement from yesterday rolled over into today and I took it easy. I watched Sunshine Cleaning which was decent and I started to watch Gigantic (starring Paul Dano & Zooey Deschanel), but I stopped. I also played Wii Boxing. Brother Chan and Sister Al sat behind me, yelling, as if they were my coaches. Afterwards, it felt like someone decided to drop 100 pound weights on my arms. Shelby and I took a bunch of funny pictures. For each one, we came up with an idea to try to communicate. For instance, the bottom left one, I said, "Act like mom's yelling at us! GO!" and the third on the bottom was: "act like we're watching Lord of the Rings!" Now Shelby is gone to get BUBBLE TEA and we are supposed to do art when she gets back, but my arms are like those in Harry Potter when they lose the bones (what's the name of that spell in the 2nd one). I guess playing Wii Boxing was counterproductive. Real art tomorrow. Twas a TRIFLING THURSDAY.


Shelby K said...

These pictures are the best. So is this post.

vince said...

you guys are so great. so so great.

Anonymous said...


ishbeth said...

Gigantic was horrible. I really wanted to like it.

But I couldnt. Nice to know that there is someone else who had hopes for the dude adopting a little asian baby.

Sunshine cleaning was bad ass.