Monday, January 4, 2010


I spent last night playing 3 hours of the board game QUELF with some of my friends. If you've never played Quelf, I implore you to do so. It is hilarious beyond words, completely random, and it will have you smiling so big, your face will hurt before the end of the game. You roll a die, make your way around the board, and you pick up colored cards and follow the directions on the card. For instance, my friend's roommate, Matt, had to do disco moves while singing a disco song. I had to recite a sentence backward twice while singing it in a foreign accent. Sarah had to wait in the bathroom until someone came to get her, but she wasn't allowed to tell us that; we had to figure it out on our own. It's seriously one of the best games I've ever played and I was first turned onto it by my cousins because they own it. It was always a riot playing it with them. I hope there are many more Quelf filled nights. This post is dedicated to the game of Quelf.I've spent the past couple of days fixing my blog. I changed the layout. I also went back through all of my entries and gave them an overall uniform look and gave each of them labels (which can be found underneath my followers and above the blog archive).


Curtis McGuire said...

is it better than MAO? no. i think not.

acrylicana said...

That's pretty jam hot. I've been looking for a game to play that was both parts humiliating and fun.

Unknown said...

I love that game. It's so much fun. If you enjoy board games that make people do crazy things you might enjoy Elixer. Check it out! :)