Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gandalf (The Grey/The White).

Lord of the Rings. LoTR. Lord of the Rings. ALL THE TIME. Actually, I did stop for like a WEEK, but now I'm back at it. Shelby and I have been watching and drawing religiously from it. Here are three Gandalf drawings I did. Shelby and I both agree that the best quote from the trilogy, spoken by none other than Gandalf himself, is: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." That's from The Fellowship of the Ring. In unrelated news, I just woke up from a 19 hour nap. Granted, I feel incredible, but I don't know why I slept that long. I was probably hibernating because it was 9 degrees today. That could have something to do with it.


vince said...

wow. these are real good. nice.

Jason Curtis said...

Very nice Chelsea. I like all 3, but I think the 3rd one is my favorite.

By the way, a 19 hour nap!? Wow, that's impressive.

Bo Lumpkin said...

Love the drawings. If it gets 9 degrees here I might hibernate till Spring.