Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where Is The Love?

I've noticed an increased negativity and selfishness in people. Who am I to point the finger when I'm guilty as well, but recent events have caused me to stop and think. I left a comment on someone's blog. I later received an email from that person, thanking me for the comment, because no one from CCS had left this person a comment before. This stunned me. Have we become so caught up in our own lives that we don't stop to peer into someone else's? It's human nature to care about ourselves, but to live a truly appreciated life, we have to reach outside of ourselves. I think it's important to slow down, take a look around, see all there is to see, help one another, spread the love, and SMILE. What do you lose? I'm no saint, but I'm working on it. They say that attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?


Shelby K said...

Good post, very true that attitudes are contagious. People definitely need to stop and appreciate others more.

Anonymous said...

why is everyone being a haiti?

Micaela said...

<3 <3