Friday, June 17, 2011

Teal Lady Gaga!

So I didn't win that drawing contest, but I did whip this out in an hour so I can see why I didn't, but it was an interesting challenge nonetheless. I got to see what I could do under pressure. The first one is the digital piece and the second one is the traditional piece combining paint, pen, china marker, paper, and pencil. The digital one, she looks kind of asian, so I went back into the traditional one (second) and drew it out some more. This is Lady Gaga w/her teal hair. Have a good weekend!


Kassandra Heller said...

Awesome Lady Gaga piece! I love the way you drew her hair, lips, and eyes! I like the highlights on her cheekbone in the traditional piece.

Matt Benyo said...

I thought I commented on this?

Hmm... Stupid blogger...

I really like it. I've become a fan of the teal hair! It matches the background of ur blog!

I like that in the top (refined?) one, you elongated her chin. It stretches out her face, and it looks good. lol

I also like the glitter sparkly background!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love the tone of your pictures

Anonymous said...

did you know that some historians believe that airbrush art dates back to ancient times?