Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sketchin' It Up.

I did some sketching. I received a letter in the mail from my friend, Kim Raley, and she cut out the image I drew on a balloon while visiting her in Kalamazoo with Matt Benyo. I drew this girl while at the tattoo shop with Jason. I never draw girls and I think I was subconsciously channeling Lady Gaga in Judas with this one. Whatever. These are just sketches and they're not that serious. Click to enlarge!


Matt Benyo said...

I looked at the picture before I read the paragraph, and I was thinking the girl was inspired by JudGa! So you achieved what you set out for (?) .

How fun of Kim! That's cool! But not my balloon? :( lol

Chelsey Holeman said...

Love the doodles! Shows quite a variety!

Kim Raley said...

Haha, Yes! I made another blog! :) and Matt, when I popped your balloon it ripped your doodle :(