Wednesday, June 15, 2011

HP7: Part 2!

We have EXACTLY ONE MONTH UNTIL THE LAST HARRY POTTER MOVIE COMES OUT!!! This is the end of an ERA. I am so sad it's going to be over. I wish I had planned and gone to London for the premiere or something, but I will be dressing up in some sort of FULL GARB and going to the midnight showing here. It's going to be nothing short of EPIC and I'll probably have a meltdown. In the meantime, I've been rereading the books. I finished the Chamber of Secrets at 4:30 am and I'll start Prisoner of Azkaban today. I love the books so much. I need to do something to commemorate the end of all that is Harry Potter. While I think about that, I need to know where my HP friends are! WHO ELSE IS EXCITED?!

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