Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time for a Tea Party!

One day, Nathan and I were discussing how much fun it would be to have a tea party, but then he hoed me on the deal and it has yet to happen. I imagine if I had one, I would wear a fancy outfit and a ridiculous hat like in this drawing. I've never been to one, so I'm not sure what you find AT one; but I assume tea and treats. I was inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Lady Gaga, and American McGee's Alice. However, I didn't use any reference; this is FROM SCRATCH. I used a nib and inked it. I'm having confidence issues with my inking, but I'm hoping that'll change if I keep doing it. What do you think AND have YOU ever been to a tea party?


Kim Raley said...

I have never been to a tea party, but I love this! It looks like a cover to a book or something.

I really like her hat and her eyes. Back in my art class in high school, I used to have to draw people and I'd always accidently make them look cross eyed haha.

When I saw the shoulder points I thought Lady Gaga, so I'm glad she was an inspiration to you.

Tell Mathan to host a TeaParty, or at least some sort of event where we can wear fancy hats. That would be so much fun, and a great photo op!

Kim Raley said...

woah I just enlarged the drawing and it's even cooler. I love that she's wearing a clock, I'm assuming Flava Flave was also an inspiration (just kidding) :P

I like that its almost 2:00 because tea parties are usually between lunch and dinner time. Way to pay attention to detail.

Kiki Keller said...

I love it! The colored paper is the perfect touch. Great line work :)

Betsy said...

Really amazing drawing! We should all get together for a tea party and have some good scones! lol

Lynnifer said...

I grew up having tea parties all the time. When my sister was really little, we pulled the kitchen table and chairs outside when our grandparents were over and had a beautiful tea party outside under a tree by the water (my parents live on the water). That was the best. We cover the table with a lace table cloth, serve (usually herbal) tea with some fancy cookies and usually biscuits and fruit. My mom has a beautiful tea cup collection and we sometimes bring out the fancy china. Good times - I'll try and find a picture to share...

ChrisHoobler said...

great piece chelsea, i love this!