Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Today I went with Sarah to visit Luke Wandyg. Luke is a government official with a business card (that I now own). He is a BIG DEAL. He let us look at his police gear and Sarah tried on the bulletproof vest. He said it isn't a bulletproof vest anymore; it's BULLET RESISTANT. Here is a picture of Sarah modeling the vest (it's dark). He showed us his firearm(s) and he asked if I'd ever been handcuffed by REAL HANDCUFFS, and seeing as to how I have not, I leapt at the opportunity to be a faux felon. Luke took it EASY on me and loosely attached the cuffs in the front, but then I was like, no, do it the RIGHT WAY. So he put my hands behind my back and made them tight around my wrists and it was horribly uncomfortable and I got agitated instantly and wanted them off of me, but he had to go upstairs to get the keys. Sarah just laughed, but trust me, if you haven't been in real cuffs, you don't want to be. That was probably the highlight of my day because it was like a 6th grade field trip to the police station, minus being in the 6th grade and they probably wouldn't handcuff 6th graders like that. Although it is difficult to see, I am handcuffed!

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