Saturday, October 31, 2015


THIS IS IT! LAST DAY OF DRAWLLOWEEN! I get so emotional. It's bittersweet. Obviously, I am burned out and could use the break, but at the same time, I hate to see it go. October is such a magical month and I love seeing what all the artists of the world take the time to create.

I had to go out with a real bang today, guys. In honor of watching Halloween and Hocus Pocus back and forth today, I put all three of the Sanderson Sisters together. I like them together more than I do apart, but that could be because I am biased and feel that this trifecta works wonders together.

ADDITIONALLY, Matt Benyo helped me MAKE A GIF! I think one of the scariest moments in Halloween is when Jamie Lee Curtis is running back to the Doyle residence after discovering everyone at the Wallace residence and Michael Myers is just walking toward her. So, I wanted to recreate that moment. I used construction paper and photoshop to make the images.

I hope everyone has enjoyed keeping up with me this month. I plan to post some more really soon so stay tuned, follow my blog, and remember, I'm an email away! Happy Halloween! Click to enlarge!

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