Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Bearded Lady.

FIRST OFF: Matt Benyo is back to updating his blog and he has been making some awesome art. If you haven't already, head over there to see it. The thing I love about Matt Benyo's art is how real and raw it is. If I took all the time that he has been drawing and put it together, it'd be maybe 2 years total. He impresses me.

I am getting SO PSYCHED for American Horror Story: Freak Show. I've always been drawn to the circus and the freaks. Tod Browning's Freaks has always been a personal favorite of mine. It's a classic from 32. Look it up! It's interesting. I feel like there's so much mystery surrounding these people and the environment houses this sort of magic that I can't quite explain. So, I whipped up a Bearded Kathy Bates. Well, it's supposed to be Kathy Bates. Slightly off, but it doesn't bother me. I drew it out, used colored pencil, went over it in watercolor (and that's the first one). The second one, I added some writing in pencil and edited it in photoshop with a few textures and a lot of layers. I think it's a little busy, but I spent too much time making it not to post it. Bring on the Freak Show. Click to enlarge!

1 comment:

Matt Benyo said...

Such a brilliant idea, a cool vintage circus poster.
I think people are crazy.