Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Harry Potter Forever.

Harry Potter is just as magical to me now as it was back then. I can still remember that rush I felt reading the books and seeing the movies. I will never forget how I felt actually entering Harry Potter world and being immersed in the environment OR when Matt Benyo and I snagged tickets to the studios over in England when it had been sold out months in advance and walking down the actual streets of Diagon Alley. I'm telling you, it has all been pure magic. The fact that a series can evoke this sort of wonder and enchantment, astounds me. IT IS SO POWERFUL! So, October and Halloween wouldn't be complete without an ode to everyone's favorite wizards and witches. So, I drew some of the main characters from Harry Potter and Hogwarts, of course. I love this piece a lot. I really like how the castle turned out. I used micron pens to draw everything and then edited it and gave Hogwarts the glow on Photoshop. Click to enlarge for details!

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