Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Last night, I went to Detroit to party. I hit up CIRCA for old times sake and got my usual half pitcher of coke. We then headed to the dorms and ended up in my friend Max's room and the room filled up quickly. I met some new faces; saw some old ones. It was a good time. Here's a self indulgent photo of myself while my friends smoked and look at this second one where I try to show off the purple in my bangs & look like a 5 year old. This is my new jacket from Target. It's not real leather, but it's the closest thing I could find to what I wanted because I've been on a hunt for ages. One by one, someone would leave to sleep and by 6 am, only 4 remained so I left. Next time I need a group shot. On the real, I need to do art instead of filler posts.

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