Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Zoo!

We took a field trip to the Detroit Zoo yesterday. I was excited to go to the Reptile House so that I could reenact the scene in the first Harry Potter where Harry sets that Boa Constrictor loose by speaking Parseltongue to it. Well, I joined with Proma and we achieved Snake-Speaking Status. Not even kidding, Proma spoke to a snake. She clearly belongs in Slytherin. Every parent in the Reptile House thought we were out of our minds and I think Matt did too (or maybe he was jealous). The snake that was spoken to was from Australia; not Burma (or Brazil).We were also looking forward to the Australian Outback Adventure where you get to walk amongst the Kangaroos. Too bad the Kangaroos want nothing to do with you so they just stay off in the distance. There was a baby Joey though and I wanted to kidnap it or get into its Mother's pouch and hang out. Everypicture that we took as a trio, yielded terrible results. That could be because we were having children take them; but we got photobombed EVERY TIME. I don't know what's better in this one; Claire to the right, that guy's arm, or Proma peeking out. This was in the Polar Bear ice cave and then we realized we were gonna be late for the bus and we had to go from the back of the park to the front and everyone hated us. We had fun on the way back. Matt + Chelsea = Sometimes a bad combo. We were being instigators and laughing a lot. All in all, a successful mission. We didn't lose anyone and it was a good time.


Matt Benyo said...

Clearly Ben's feet were already huyting.

Anonymous said...

hi matt.....