Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter.

Harry Potter came out last night. I didn't go. I started rereading the books because of the movie and I want to finish them before I see it. I have 100+ pages left in the 5th book and I plan on knocking the other two out this weekend. I cried for a few minutes last night at midnight. On Monday, I started this; unaware that it would become what it has. I drew Harry Potter and then Matt Benyo drew Mad-Eye Moody (who inexplicably became the focal point) and it grew from there. I finished it today. It's a giant HP collage on a giant classroom dry erase board made w/Expo Markers. Most of these were drawn from memory and if Voldemort looked like this, I'd have nightmares, but you get the idea. Potterheads, unite. This is the end of an era.


Nikki said...

Voldemort is evil as hell.

Lee said...

Ha, thats awesome Chelsea, full of character

Greg Zulauf said...

holy shit! amazing

Matt Benyo said...

My favorite is Brad Eye Moody.

Kiki Keller said...

love this so much! seeing the new movie and this marker masterpiece inspired me to make my own harry potter artwork :P

Blake said...

I would just like to get you a HUGE round of applause on size! AMAZING work <3

Anonymous said...

respect the pouch...