Friday, January 14, 2011

World's Tiniest Portrait.

I've wanted to paint since Matt Benyo told me he liked this painting that I did because that was a breakthrough piece for me due to its small size. This time around, I wanted to challenge myself to go even smaller. While talking to my friend Alex, I busted out my gouache and bammed this painting out in 2 hours. It's an inch high and less than an inch wide, but for how small it is, I managed to get a lot in there. I must admit, It looks better (& smoother) in real life, but it is what it is. I painted it on a flap from a box of Crayolas. This is Stephen Foster. He wrote "Oh! Susanna".


Anonymous said...

This is rad. IT'S SO TINY. Paint a picture of my face!

I like that you're back to your art, son.

- Rhiannon

Matt Benyo said...

You BAMMED it out?

Who are you, me?

I like it a lot! It amazes me how much you can do on such little space -- and how much detail you can give it.

It doesn't look very smooth, but I like the texture it gives it.

Oh! Stephen. Why so sad, my friend?

vince said...

chelsea k. this is AWESOME. i love it. it's good to see you painting again. i just recently started again myself. . .

JMar said...


never stop!

Cori Steele said...

This is really awesome Chelsea! How did you chose Mr. Foster to honor in tiny portraiture?

Unknown said...

I love tiny art things. I think you should continue with your awesome mini portraitures... and when you have 1,001 have a giant party with bouquets of magnifying glasses and monocles.
And thank you for motivating me to draw more with your genuinely kind compliments! I cannot express enough how much I appreciate them =)

P. S. the Poe portrait is also very wonderful

Gabi Perez said...
