Thursday, January 27, 2011


I'm dedicating this post to the things I enjoy or deem important and I wanted to start it off by saying how much I enjoy the comments I receive from friends and strangers. A kind word goes a long way; so I wanted to take the time to thank those of you that take the time to leave words. You inspire me and it is to you that I start this entry off.

I love inspirational sayings. People think they're cheesy, but they fill me with hope.My friend, Zack, texted me and said, "I decided I love your soul. I wish I was as happy as you appear to be. I looked into 3 years worth of blog in one sitting and was inspired by you as a person." I was, and still am, speechless.Fellow blogger, Julia, keeps me inspired with her art and words. She's authentic.I wish every house looked like this all the time. I would never stop smiling.Jamba Juice + my favorite Kevins = #realtimes.I will always love The Jonas Brothers. I love these photos cause it looks like they're from the 50's and I can't resist good looking guys in leather jackets.Matt Benyo did this as a joke, but it made my heart melt. BFFLs.There's no place like NYC. I can't wait to go back (hopefully with Nathan & MB).Brother Chan is always making me laugh and I'm proud to be his sister.
I watched a video about this guy (Ross). He was talking about how everyone should get off Facebook. He's been off for over 5 months and he held up pieces of paper. He said, "1 of your friends is looking at your pictures and judging you. You haven't gained weight since high school. You are prettier than your profile pictures. You are more interesting than your profile." and he held up this sign and I loved it. There is nothing comparable to someone being genuine. Sincerity goes a long way.

1 comment:

Matt Benyo said...

J'aime que tu adores moi!