Monday, May 9, 2011

Zac Efron!

This is a bittersweet post. This cut out is the sweet part. This is the final result of 160 Photoshop layers. I know I say this often, but this is a breakthrough piece. It's layered (like an onion) with detail that took forever. Nate's a huge Zefron fan; he'll be a good judge of my rendition. Now, onto the bitter part. I had no intention of posting this yet. I was going to scan a drawing I did, but my scanner is no longer working on my computer. My computer has decided it's going to do whatever it wants and to say that I'm angry is an understatement. Hopefully I can get the Apple folks to fix it, but I'm off of it until then. I hope I don't lose any of you while I'm away. Leave some nice comments for me to come back to. Fingers crossed that they will repair this rogue machine (or else I'm gonna cry). Click to enlarge and farewell friends...for now!


M. DB said...


ChrisHoobler said...

this turned out awesome! i love your cut outs :)

N said...

Chelsea. This is not Zac Efron. The nose is off. The mouth is too small, his face is too fat. Eyebrows are a little off, the left eyebrow needs to have a small part of it going down. and his eyes need more detail to make sure it looks as if he is looking down and not stoned. Also his facial structure is not Zefron enough...

I'm sorry for being so critical but you know I know my Zac. if this is another person I would say great job! But because I am very particular, I must give my critical opinion. :)

N said...

also, I think the reason his head is larger than his body....or should I say his body is larger than his head, is because the actual picture didnt show his arm and your drawing shows his arm to be as big as a 12 year old, he has bigger arms than that! lol. That is all <3

Anonymous said...

Hey Chels, I think Nathan couldn't be more wrong. Obviously he is not an artist, so he can't really say much. I mean yes, there are a few things that are slightly off...however, thats art no picture or even technical cut out is going to look SPOT ON. Thats what actual photography is for, which even that doesn't capture a full essence of the subject. I love it! Good job Girl.

N said...

Hey Anonym- I am clearly NOT an artist and I will be the first to admit that HOWEVER I AM an Efron fan. So forgive me for giving my honest opinion on the resemblance this art has to the actual Zac Efron photo.

Chelsea, i think this is 1000x better than anything I could have ever done. I apologize if I was not clear in saying that I think you did a great job. I have recently been trying to give more substantial comments, you know, comments that will actually help you. Not just comments that say "Fantastic!" If you need proof that you are not the only one then go look at my "review" of my aunts Salmon dish.

Anyways. Just had to respond to Anonym. ;)

Anonymous said...

Whatever....'Nate'. An illustration doesn't need to be spot on to real life. It's an interpretation..what's important is that the person is recognizable. I think it's amazing and amazing...and amazing.

N said...

OK. AC. Yes, it is recognizable, I never said it wasn't. Also, the fact that you said "It's an interpretation.." is total BS, no offense, but if I was going to pay a person to do a self portrait of me and they did an "interpretation" of me, I'd be pissed. SO lets be clear. Interpretative art IS art. So is Art that looks like the object. So don't go saying "what's important is that the person is recognizable." Because that's total BULL. What IS important is that the artist is happy with their work and it looks completed and done to the best of their ability. Which I think this piece of art is completed nicely and meets Chelsea's ability as an artist, but she asked for what I thought and I told her, because I personally want to see Zac as ZAC not an interpretation.


PS Chelsea, I mean no disrespect I'm just trying to get my point across. you know I think you are an amazing artist.

Unknown said...

wow Nate, your so ignorant..obviously here intent wasn't to be exact because its stylized and to me is very recognizable and amazing. For you to say "this and that is off", is a complete joke. I guarantee your not an illustration major because you sound like a fool. And Illustrators have their own style and they get paid for that. So ftw, this is her own interpretation, and there are 100 more, so go find a "realistic portrait" if thats what your looking for. But this is very well executed<3 -valbona-

Betsy said...

Chelsea, I think that you did an amazing job on the drawing! It's just that it doesn't look like Zac very much.

Anonymous said...

If you don't want an interpretation, maybe you should take a photo instead. Better yet, go look in the mirror. Photography can get pretty creative too.

I'm not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion. There's just a tactful way of having one.

I'm not sure if you are an artist but someone's artwork is like their child. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, it helps an artist evolve. You just need to be careful with the way you approach criticism... and that's in general. It can be seen as borderline-bullying.

I don't think that was your intention... so I'm just saying.

Anonymous said...

I immediately recognized it as Zac! Guess I just have sharp eyes. ;D

davetell said...

beautiful Chelsea.
Such stupid comments were left.
Douche Nerds, lame Tards and Crotch Mouths need to get schooled.

Nate, you're and idiot.

-Dave T.

Kim Raley said...

I think it looks just like him! I'm glad you made him looking down because he always looks like he's going to cry when he acts.

That Nathan kid is just in love with this man, Love can make you crazy sometimes.

note to self: don't ask nathan for corrective critisism, he won't hold back.