Sunday, September 7, 2014

Warner Blvd!

This is the cover Matt Benyo and I created for Neon Hitch's single, Warner Blvd! When we met Neon back in April, I told her manager I was an artist and before we left, she asked if I was really serious about doing some art and of course I was! So, she gave me her card. I went back to Matt's and (with a kick in the pants from Matt) I came up with sketches and this is the one Neon went nuts about. So, together, we fleshed this thing out. I did all of the drawing and Matt made it look insane with the colors and edits. There are so many subliminal things in this piece and we are both so proud of it. Neon went nuts when we showed it to her in New York (this was when we worked on it at the bar with her) and it's finally getting some air and going around with the single. Team work makes the dream work! CLICK TO ENLARGE!

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