Sunday, September 21, 2014

Happy Birthday, Bill Murray!!

Today is a special day. Why? Because it's Bill Murray's BIRTHDAY! The great one is 64 today. Bill Murray is on my list of top celebrities to meet. I'd die. I wish he would show up and crash a party I was at. Of course, I'd have to actually attend parties for that to happen. #recluse. I spent the evening doing some sketches and went with this Steve Zissou one. I was going to do it in illustrator, but instead decided to just color it in Photoshop WITH the help of Matt Benyo because apparently I don't know what I'm doing at all. One of these days I'm going to make something on my own, but really I'm gracious that I have someone to help me and critique my stuff. Bill Murray, I love you. Happy Birthday. I'm sure it will be as wild as you are.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Jeremy & Kari.

Matt Benyo and I were honored to have been asked to create the Save the Dates for our dear friends, Jeremy Cappello and Kari Ennis. I've been friends with Jeremy since 2002 and I've known Kari since middle school. I couldn't be happier for the two of them as they prepare for their trip to the altar. It has been an exciting ride thus far and when I met with them to discuss Save The Date ideas, we chose this one involving Detroit. They are getting married at the beautiful Colony Club and I wanted to capture the area. There was so much preliminary work that went into this. I'll include some of the building sketches, but I drew 20 heads for each of them and these were the ones they chose. After I drew everything, Matt Benyo took it into Photoshop and brought it to life. He was also responsible for all of the calligraphy and the beautiful J&K symbol. We received these in the mail YESTERDAY and I ran out to the mailbox like a 10 year old. It was so exciting opening it and having a tangible copy!! Next will be the invitations; PRESSURE IS ON! Matt and I are both really proud of what we created and Jeremy and Kari have both commended our efforts. I am so excited for this wedding because I know it's going to be special for two very special people that I get to call my friends. Here's to Jeremy and Kari! I urge you to click to enlarge because there's a ton of detail.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Warner Blvd!

This is the cover Matt Benyo and I created for Neon Hitch's single, Warner Blvd! When we met Neon back in April, I told her manager I was an artist and before we left, she asked if I was really serious about doing some art and of course I was! So, she gave me her card. I went back to Matt's and (with a kick in the pants from Matt) I came up with sketches and this is the one Neon went nuts about. So, together, we fleshed this thing out. I did all of the drawing and Matt made it look insane with the colors and edits. There are so many subliminal things in this piece and we are both so proud of it. Neon went nuts when we showed it to her in New York (this was when we worked on it at the bar with her) and it's finally getting some air and going around with the single. Team work makes the dream work! CLICK TO ENLARGE!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

RIP Joan Rivers.

We were driving to get Matt's oil changed and he said, "You know, Joan Rivers is probably going to die." You know, I don't think Joan Rivers went into this thinking she wasn't going to wake up and that scares me. Joan Rivers was a ball of fire. A pistol. Will her shoes ever be filled? RIP Joan Rivers.