Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Homes Tour: Part 1.

Alex and I went on a hunt for Downriver's best decorated houses of 2010, but found ourselves coming up short. Last year, we banked. This year, it was slim pickings. We're gonna go back out within the week and search for some hidden gems. The problem is that most people don't decorate or the ones that do, don't know how to decorate. This isn't rocket science, people. Take, for example, the first house I've included in the photo. It's terribly designed. What would make the people that decorated that house believe that's well thought out? It looks like they haphazardly shot strings of lights out of a bazooka. When we decide what makes a good house, we take a lot of things into consideration. What color are the lights? Do the colors mesh well? Is there cohesion? What sort of decorations are adorned on their lawn? If the bright blue lights are in use, your house will be void BY DEFAULT. The blue lights I speak of can be witnessed in the last photo (bottom right) near the left hand side on the house NEXT to the one being photographed. Those lights are horrendous and burn your eyes. Another trending light color, for whatever reason, is YELLOW. Yellow? That's almost as bad as the blues except I can bare to look at it (I just don't want to). I said it last year, I'll admit it again, I'm a Christmas House snob, but you know what, if you're gonna take the time and effort to go out there and doll your house up, do it right. Tis the season; ACT LIKE IT.In addition to the number of homes we saw, every other home had a snowman serving as primary keeper of their front yards. Most of the snowmen were adorable; some terrifying, but overall, a welcomed sight. In Dearborn, we came across this snowman that reminded me of Matt Benyo because it has a quiff on its head. Go look at his blog to see some ridiculous photos of us with Brother Chan.


vince said...

middle house on the right is the best. nice color scheme, classy.

Matt Benyo said...

I love the snowman!!

The only thing that would make the houses better would be blue lights...