Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Horse Head.

This is my last Real Steel post. One day, I drew some meeps. I also drew that lizard (which is actually a bearded dragon named DaVinci). However, what makes this ENTIRE sheet of paper, is that horse head. It was drawn by the one and only Taris Tyler. Taris is Hugh Jackman's stand in and if you go a few entries back to the Lady Gaga post, he's the first two photos. I had been drawing the meeps when I caught Taris watching me draw and I asked him if he could draw. In his adorable australian accent, he said he couldn't, but I assured him that everyone could. Finally he said the only thing he could draw was a horse head so he drew one. For "not being able to draw", I was impressed. I like the horse bangs best. After talking to him and seeing him draw, that's what really got me. He was SO CONFIDENT and confidence is one of the keys to my heart. Taris, I don't care that you're 14 years older than me, can we just hold hands and draw horse heads all day? I'll probably never see Taris again, and it's bittersweet, but the horse head lives on in my heart.

1 comment:

Matt Benyo said...


(And this is not Charles despite that capslock.)