Saturday, May 2, 2009

Epic Return.

This entire year I've been fighting what I really enjoy doing. I've been trying to paint, I've used colored pencils, I did pen and ink, and a whole lot of other things in between, when all along, I was ignoring what I truly enjoyed and what I truly enjoy is cutting things out of paper. I've taken it to a new level and I now paint paper and cut that out, but the thing is; I see things in shapes and I like to make shapes and cut them out. It's FUN and I thoroughly enjoy it; I LOVE IT. So, it took me until the end to have a moment of clarity and, by then, I had an entire semester's worth of crap-work and I decided to get rid of all of it and do a bunch of cut outs and they looked better than all five of my paintings combined. I've got a long way to go and I know that, BUT I feel great about everything and I'm excited to show you what I've been working on. Forgive me for my absence (yet again), but I'm back for GOOD. The first piece was circus themed done in illustrator and photoshop. The second piece was for the Detroit Zoo and I did it in Photoshop. I didn't get to turn it in, but I did it anyway.


Stephen Donald said...


Great work chelsea,
Really feeling the new work and the slight improvement of your style really makes them more eye catching.

Always a fan of your work,
You have to teach me :)

Nicole Jarecz said...

these both turned out really great! i'll be checking back here often

Molly Jacques said...

these are SO cute! I love the circus one! Keep up the good Chelsea!

Maria Filar said...

dude you need to post the celebrity cutouts. they're epic.

jeremy melton said...

I love this. VERY fun work. :)