Friday, May 8, 2009

Wolverine & Susan Boyle.

I'm all about Celebrity Portraiture/Iconic figures. That's what the next couple of weeks are going to be about. Let's start things off with Wolverine (also known as Hugh Jackman) and Susan Boyle. I just look at this piece of Wolverine and I laugh so hard because of his muscles and his claws and I love Susan Boyle because she is Britain's under dog. It's all about mixed media these days. Rock and roll.


Unknown said...

i love the susan boyle one. i also effing loved the youtube video of her. that woman can SING!

i think susan boyle is much more successful then the wolverine one. i can't wait too see more!

Anonymous said...

haha yess so good! wolverine is a hunk

Anna Lisa said...

i love your susan boyle!! wolverine doesn't seem as finished but damn, nice claws!

Nicole Jarecz said...

o my god. susan boyle is great!!! I love the textures on her pretty dress.

Raechel said...

i love the texture on the susan boyle one.

Maria Filar said...

wolverine is out, susan's in! stay consistent. wolverine still doesn't fit, he doesn't have any textures. susan is the bomb though.

Matthew Byle said...

haha the Susan one is so great!

Victoria said...

hey look, it's Blake&Susan!

Matt said...

Wolverine shur is lookin' good.

Maybe that's not really Hugh, but Taris, his stand-in?