Friday, November 7, 2008

Get Em While They're Hot!

This was more of an experiment/challenge than anything else. I wanted to try to fuse the drawing with the cut out technique. I also wanted to make the grill using silver foil to see how it would translate once scanned. I like Tony. I would probably buy one of those sno-cones from him.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Senior Studio & Blind Contours.

We've got a new president and I've got some new work! I've been getting back into painting and, as a result, I've produced these images. The first one is Butch Walker. Butch Walker is one of my favorite musicians (ever) and this is a sort of homage to him. With both of these assignments, I wanted to take a new approach to my work. I read in Illustration Now that there's this illustrator that starts his work out with a blind contour so he isn't influenced by a style so I did that with these. Basing my idea/sketch off of a blind contour, I was able to rely on my hand as opposed to outside influence. I really like working this way because, as my dear friend Maria Filar pointed out, I'm not trying to make it realistic. Here's the initial sketch that the painting was based off. I really liked the sketch a lot and I think I may go back and try to do something with it, but here it is:And here's the finished painting; rendered on wood using gouache and mixed media:I finished this assignment up yesterday and handed it in today for critique. It's based off of Eric from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. Eric has a really great hat collection so I put his crown hat on him because he is a king! I mostly wanted to experiment and just have fun with this piece and my mission was accomplished. I used acrylic (as opposed to gouache) and some mixed media:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Land Ho!

It's Halloween (Happy Halloween!) and I can't BELIEVE that time has flown the way it has. I was thinking about back in the day when time probably didn't fly by so fast. Take Christopher Columbus for instance, he was on a boat for a long time (approximately 588 days) and I can't imagine that time flew by during those days. This is my version of Columbus. I didn't want to be influenced by anything so I did this from my head; although I was subconsciously influenced by Lane Smith. I came up with the sketch while having a dinner rendezvous with some friends at Applebee's a few weeks back. The other night I was really inspired around 5 am and decided to do a finish using cut paper/found paper. I guess you could say I'm starting to do construction/paper cut outs again.