Saturday, November 1, 2008

Land Ho!

It's Halloween (Happy Halloween!) and I can't BELIEVE that time has flown the way it has. I was thinking about back in the day when time probably didn't fly by so fast. Take Christopher Columbus for instance, he was on a boat for a long time (approximately 588 days) and I can't imagine that time flew by during those days. This is my version of Columbus. I didn't want to be influenced by anything so I did this from my head; although I was subconsciously influenced by Lane Smith. I came up with the sketch while having a dinner rendezvous with some friends at Applebee's a few weeks back. The other night I was really inspired around 5 am and decided to do a finish using cut paper/found paper. I guess you could say I'm starting to do construction/paper cut outs again.


Maria Filar said...

this came out really really great. you come up with some great stuff when it's spontaneous like this.

Micaela said...

I always love love love your first sketches even before you make it into your wonderful cutouts.

"Hello I am Chelsea Kirchoff... the female version of you!"

Matt and I missed you last night!!!!!


vince said...

i like christopher columbus. except that he has a city in ohio named after him. that is a mistake. i really like his expression though. nice.

e2r said...

once again.
you are amazing.