Tuesday, April 29, 2008

They're Gr-r-eat!

There's nothing I love more than a good ol' bowl of Frosted Flakes in the morning! I'm kidding. I think I hate Frosted Flakes. I've never even had FF before. Anyway, I did this for my history class. We were supposed to pick something that defined American History via illustration so Tony called me and said, "Hey I can be that guy!" I went for a modern meets vintage appeal. I used a lot of different textured paper. His scarf is made from the inside of an envelope! Anyway, big fun.


Maria Filar said...

tony the tiiiiiiger bah bada ba bah

M. said...

this is awesome. that's some serious paper skillz you've got.

Raechel said...

I really love this Chels. I think the construction paper stuff is really great, and I really like the one of Slash too. :)