Monday, December 6, 2021

The Wedding Singer.

Does anyone use blogs anymore? To be fair, I haven't in a while. I figured I was just talking to myself on here, but in keeping with that idea, I'm going to share a piece I just finished that I'm really excited about. 

I lost my Gramps November 1st and have had a hard time getting going again in every aspect of my life. When I finally sat down to create this Adam Sandler piece, I enjoyed it and all of the pieces fell into place and I felt good for the first time in over a month.

I did this for The Hallway Show. There's actually a blog version of The Hallway Show, but we've since resurrected The Hallway Show over on instagram. This week's theme is Adam Sandler so I chose to do him as Robbie Hart in The Wedding Singer. I wanted to capture that 80's feel from the movie and the tenderness that Robbie possesses.

I also listed this print on my etsy if you're interested in getting one. I'm going to keep making and creating, but I'm doing so using baby steps. I hope everyone else out there is doing well. Take some time to be kind to yourself.

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