Friday, December 24, 2021

"Merry Christmas, little buddy!"

Hard to believe it is already Christmas Eve. Smash Mouth was right when they said the years start coming and they don't stop coming. I'm over here just trying my best. I made a Marv and Harry from Home Alone and put it up on my etsy. You can buy yourself a print if you'd like. I hope everyone has a great holiday season. I wish everyone the joy and love and hope they need.

Monday, December 6, 2021

The Wedding Singer.

Does anyone use blogs anymore? To be fair, I haven't in a while. I figured I was just talking to myself on here, but in keeping with that idea, I'm going to share a piece I just finished that I'm really excited about. 

I lost my Gramps November 1st and have had a hard time getting going again in every aspect of my life. When I finally sat down to create this Adam Sandler piece, I enjoyed it and all of the pieces fell into place and I felt good for the first time in over a month.

I did this for The Hallway Show. There's actually a blog version of The Hallway Show, but we've since resurrected The Hallway Show over on instagram. This week's theme is Adam Sandler so I chose to do him as Robbie Hart in The Wedding Singer. I wanted to capture that 80's feel from the movie and the tenderness that Robbie possesses.

I also listed this print on my etsy if you're interested in getting one. I'm going to keep making and creating, but I'm doing so using baby steps. I hope everyone else out there is doing well. Take some time to be kind to yourself.