Saturday, August 2, 2014

Wrestling in 1999.

For the past 2 weeks, I've been laboring away on this giant piece. I used expo markers on a dry erase board to create the magic of WWF wrestling circa 1999. Now, I did leave off a few key wrestlers and I am sad I didn't get around to finishing them, but I got most of them AND I am aware that King and JR should be switched (Thanks, Matt Benyo), but after I drew them I didn't want to redraw them. I really like how this turned out. I've gotten better with the expo marker (see my first expo collage from 3 years ago: Harry Potter) and I am proud of this. Here I am, standing next to it for size comparison, holding the Sword of Destiny and rockin the pack. If you're down with this collage, give me a HELL YEAH! Click to enlarge for details!

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