Thursday, October 29, 2009


I don't know what (much) success smells like yet, but it smelled really great when it came in the mail today in the form of my robots design printed in a metallic silver on a black shirt! Word on the street is you can pick one up from a CCS info session. I should go and get seven and just wear this shirt everyday because it's awesome:Also, here is a quick sketch I did of some people at a starbucks.This is kind of a lazy post, but I need a break. Also, it's the one week anniversary of my continuous blog posts. I feel really accomplished, but it's also kind of stressful trying to keep up with the blog. It's a race against time to churn work out, but it's good. So keep your eyes peeled for wild things, halloween something or another, THE JONAS BROTHERS, creatures, Larry David, and more.


Maria Filar said...

dude! i want one of those shirts!!! i can't ever make it down to school though. If you ever get an extra one I'll pay you back!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maria wants one of those shirts. I NEED ONE. Your sketches are looking pretty sweet Chelsea. Need to see more confident lines!

Unknown said...

Shirt looks great!

jamestryingtocloseblog said...

nice, keep it up!

Cloe said...

you are the most amazing =] can I order a shirt online?

vince said...

omg. i want one too. also i can't wait for larry david. pretty...pretty.... preeettyy good.

Kate Burck said...

Oh I didn't knw you didn't have one yet! Dude I'm doing tuors this year and everyone loves the shirt. Its way better then the one I got at my open house! Congrats Chelsea!

m.spencer said...

If they're available at info sessions, I'll totally be picking one up! I love your robots.

Nice Starbucks sketch too 8D

Anonymous said...


P.S. It's Landsy, and I need to find that shirt :)

Ben H. Shapiro said...

That shirt is awesome. Too bad I can’t purchase one. :(

Alex Matyas said...

LOL look at that douche in the back on his laptop

Scott Daly said...

I'm so proud to own one of these